Nissan of LaGrange
Auto/Marine Sales & Service
Service & Parts M-F 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Sat from 9am to 1pm. Sales dept M-S 9am to 7pm.
Driving Directions:
Exit 18 off I-85, down on left left, approximately 2 miles from the interstate and 1 mile from Downtown
About Us
We are Nissan automobile dealership located in the heart of LaGrange on LaFayette parkway. We sell new, certified pre-owned Nissans, as well as specializing in pre-owned luxury vehicles. In addition to we service all makes and models and sell certified Nissan parts. If you haven't shopped with us lately we invite you to visit our dealership and meet our management staff.
- New Car dealership
- Used Car dealership
- Full service department
- Certified Nissan Parts
- Nissan dealership